Further fundings (STEM impulses)
Since 2007, we have supported

projects and invested


in funding.

To all projects
The Carl Zeiss Foundation promotes research on cutting-edge topics at universities in an impressive and consistent way. This support helps these mostly interdisciplinary research groups be recognised as leaders, both nationally and internationally. It’s a very exciting task for me to contribute to their success.
Prof. Dr. Joachim Mnich
Chair of the Carl Zeiss Foundation selection committees
Director for Research and Computing CERN
To the best of my knowledge, this is the first and only endowed professorship in Germany – and one of the first in the world – to deal exclusively with the interface of AI and law. I really appreciate being able to focus entirely on these research questions in my chair – and to have a great team of young researchers doing research on similar topics.
Prof. Dr. Michèle Finck
CZS Endowed Professorship for Artificial Intelligence Law
University of Tübingen
The Carl Zeiss Foundation is a blessing for science. It provides funding precisely where usual funding instruments stop, where taking chances at the highest risk level can lead to breakthroughs at disciplinary boundaries, and always with a view to young scientists – with a great deal of freedom and in an uncomplicated, transparent fashion.
Prof. Dr. Joachim Ankerhold
Vice President for Research
University of Ulm

Our funding goals

We provide funding for research and teaching in the STEM fields. In this way, we continue our founder’s mission in a contemporary form, following four guiding principles.

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The Foundation considers itself to be a partner for people engaged in visionary and outstanding academic work in the fields of natural science and engineering.