Short description
Nomination and selection for the Carl Zeiss Humboldt Research Award takes place in the Humboldt Research Award Programme. Nomination via the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung is not possible. Applications can be submitted throughout the year.
in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
projects and invested
in funding.
Nomination and selection for the Carl Zeiss Humboldt Research Award takes place in the Humboldt Research Award Programme. Nomination via the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung is not possible. Applications can be submitted throughout the year.
Endowed professorships in the CZS focus topics of artificial intelligence, resource efficiency and life science technologies will be funded through the call for proposals. One selection criterion is the practical focus of the individual and their research.
The Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung is funding the establishment of a doctoral programme in computer science education to promote the development and expansion of research in this field at the national level.
Alumni of the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung can apply for funding for outreach, communication and exchange projects throughout the year to accompany their research and teaching activities.
As part of this Call for applications, funding for science communication measures can be applied for. Precondition is an existing funding from the Foundation.
The aim is to explore how intelligent systems can communicate and interact better with their environment. To this end, interdisciplinary research projects are being sought that apply approaches from computer science to fundamental natural processes.
The call for proposals aims to promote interdisciplinary research groups that are related to one or more of the CZS focus topics of "Artificial Intelligence", "Resource Efficiency" or "Life Science Technologies".
The call for applications “CZS Transfer 2025: Resource-saving digitalisation” addresses research on technologies that improve the environmental impact of digitalisation. This includes hardware, software and IT infrastructure.
As an advanced training programme fostering science communication, the CZS STEM Impact School is targeted towards researchers from the natural sciences and engineering. It is organised by “Wissenschaft im Dialog gGmbH”.
We provide funding for research and teaching in the STEM fields. In this way, we continue our founder’s mission in a contemporary form, following four guiding principles.
The Foundation considers itself to be a partner for people engaged in visionary and outstanding academic work in the fields of natural science and engineering.