Foundation Committees

The Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung consists of the three foundation bodies Foundation Administration, Shareholder Council, and Management Advisory Board.

Foundation Administration

The Foundation Administration, based in Stuttgart, forms the board of the foundation. It consists of the respective ministers responsible for universities of the two federal states of Baden-Württemberg and Thuringia, with the Baden-Württemberg Minister presiding over it as the chair. The Foundation Administration represents the Foundation judicially and otherwise in so far as the Shareholder Council is not responsible for protecting the economic interests of the Foundation vis-a-vis the foundation companies as a special representative in accordance with Articles 30 and 86 of the German Civil Code (BGB).


  • Ensuring proper fulfilment of the purposes set out by the foundation, in particular the allocation of funding for research and teaching
  • Appointment of the members of the Shareholder Council
  • Cooperation with the Shareholder Council and the Management Advisory Board
  • Awareness of daily operations of the foundation
  • Adaptation of the foundation statute
  • Reporting and accounting

Members of the Foundation Administration

Chairwoman: Petra Olschowski

Minister of Science, Research and Art of the State of Baden-Württemberg

No image available
No image available

Christian Tischner

Minister of Education, Science and Culture of the State of Thuringia

The day-to-day business of the Foundation's administration is carried out by the office in Stuttgart.


Shareholder Council

The Shareholder Council, which is appointed by the Foundation Administration, consists of a chairperson and two additional members. The chairperson forms the “link” between the foundation and the foundation companies and must be elected as chairperson of the supervisory board of the two foundation companies.


  • Managing the economic interests of the foundation for the foundation companies
  • Exercising the rights of the foundation from the shares in the foundation companies, in particular exercising voting rights in the general meetings

Members of the Shareholder Council

Chairman: Dr. Michael Bolle

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Carl Zeiss AG and SCHOTT AG

Martina Merz

Dr. Eric Schweitzer

Management Advisory Board

The Management Advisory Board consists of the members of the Boards of the two foundation companies, whereby two Chairmen of the Boards of Carl Zeiss AG and SCHOTT AG respectively represent the Management Advisory Board jointly. Above all, the Management Advisory Board provides advice and support to the other two foundation bodies.


Consultation and advisory function in

  • the selection of members of the Shareholder Council
  • Allocation of funding
  • Modification of the foundation statute

Members of the boards

Dr. Karl Lamprecht

CEO Carl Zeiss AG

Susan-Stefanie Breitkopf

Board member Carl Zeiss AG

Sven Hermann

Board member Carl Zeiss AG

Stefan Müller

Board member Carl Zeiss AG

Andreas Pecher

Board member Carl Zeiss AG

Dr. Jochen Peter

Board member Carl Zeiss AG

Dr. Frank Rohmund

Board member Carl Zeiss AG

Dr. Markus Weber

Board member Carl Zeiss AG

Dr. Torsten Derr


Andrea Frenzel

Board member SCHOTT AG

Dr.-Ing. Heinz Kaiser

Board member SCHOTT AG

Marcus Knöbel

Board member SCHOTT AG