Five young scientists were selected from more than seventy applications in a multi-stage selection process as part of a new funding programme. With the CZS Nexus programme, the Carl Zeiss Foundation offers young scientists the opportunity to establish their own interdisciplinary research group and to implement exciting projects at the interfaces between different STEM disciplines. Each junior research group is funded with around 1.5 million euros for 5-6 years.
Funding is provided for:
- Dr Tobias Buck, Enhancing computational astrophysics with interpretable machine learning, Heidelberg University
- Dr. Mario Chemnitz, Supercontinuum-based fibre-integrated neural networks for autonomous optical image and signal recognition, Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien e.V.
- Dr. Anna Ermakova, Quantum sensors for cellular metabolism study, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
- Dr. Simon Krause, Activated transport and dynamic heterogeneous catalysis in molecular factories, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
- Dr. Aparaijita Singha, Non-invasive magnetic imaging and high-fidelity coherent control of surface spin qubits, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research