Interdisciplinary "nanoBCP Lab"

Topic: STEM impulses
Type of funding: Project funding programmes
Programme: CZS Strengthening research structures
Funded institution:
  • Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

The initiative brings together seven scientists from biology, chemistry and physics whose research interests are novel, tiny nanoparticles. These are to be produced in Tübingen and made usable for biological applications.


The research goal is to harness novel, tiny nanoparticles for biological applications. These include coupling the nanoparticles to individual biomolecules in order to precisely determine their behaviour and function. The specific interaction of the nanoparticles with light (absorption and emission) is also to be used for biology. Furthermore, possibilities are to be explored to build biomimetic structures with the nanoparticles. The various experimental techniques and equipment used by the scientists will be brought together in a joint laboratory platform, the nanoBCP-Lab. The nanoBCP-Lab will be the central interface for the future training of doctoral students working on nanoscientific issues. There they will learn a wide range of interdisciplinary techniques and combine them with each other.

Involved persons:

Judith Hohendorff

Program Manager

Phone: +49 (0)711 - 162213 - 12


Prof. Dr. Martin Oettel

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Detailed information:

Topic: STEM impulses
Programme: CZS Strengthening research structures
Type of funding: Project funding programmes
Target group: Professors
Funding budget: 1.000.000 €
Period of time: April 2018 - April 2023

Funded institution:

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen