Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE)

Topic: STEM impulses
Type of funding: Small funding projects
Programme: CZS Individual funding
Funded institution:
  • Haus der Astronomie

The OAE, which is based at the House of Astronomy in Heidelberg, aims to support astronomers and teachers worldwide in awakening a fascination for astronomy among pupils and to promote the exchange of experiences in educational work.


Among other things, the OAE is to establish an international network, promote more astronomy in education curricula and provide teachers with relevant information on evidence-based educational research. In general, the OAE aims to promote professionalisation and the exchange of experience in astronomy education. The Carl Zeiss Foundation supports the project with funding for a researcher position.

Involved persons:

Matthias Stolzenburg

Program Manager, Legal Affairs

Phone: +49 (0)711 - 162213 - 13


Dr. Markus Pössel

Haus der Astronomie

Detailed information:

Topic: STEM impulses
Programme: CZS Individual funding
Type of funding: Small funding projects
Target group: Institution
Funding budget: 391.500 €
Period of time: März 2020 - Februar 2025

Funded institution:

Haus der Astronomie
Haus der Astronomie