Professorship for Adaptive Mechanical Systems

Focus topic: Artificial Intelligence
Type of funding: Individual funding programmes
Programme: GSO/CZS Repatriation programme
Funded institution:
  • Universität Stuttgart

Prof. Dr David Remy was appointed as Professor of Adaptive Mechanical Systems at the University of Stuttgart starting winter semester 2018. He previously researched and taught at the University of Michigan, USA.


The research focus of the professorship is the development of walking robots, exoskeletons and active prostheses that improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and can be used as training and rehabilitation systems. The goal is to create robots that match or even surpass the agility of humans.
Professor Remy's appointment was supported by funding for a half-time E13 staff position.

Involved persons:

Judith Hohendorff

Program Manager

Phone: +49 (0)711 - 162213 - 12


Prof. Dr. David Remy

Universität Stuttgart

Detailed information:

Focus topic: Artificial Intelligence
Programme: GSO/CZS Repatriation programme
Type of funding: Individual funding programmes
Target group: Professors
Funding budget: 119.931 €
Period of time: September 2018 - Dezember 2022

Funded institution:

Universität Stuttgart
Universität Stuttgart