Bewilligte Projekte

Im Rahmen der Ausschreibung KI in der Gesundheit im Programm CZS Durchbrüche

Artificial Intelligence for treating Cancer therapy Resistance (AI-Care) Artificial Intelligence - Project funding programmes – CZS Breakthroughs

Short description

In pharmaceutical research, the early detection of undesirable or even absent effects of therapeutics represents the greatest hurdle to successful To achieve a breakthrough in the treatment of brain tumors, an AI-based model for the interplay of gene activity and therapy response is being developed. The goal is to predict the effect of drugs and optimize personalized therapies for cancer patients.

MAINCE: Medical AI combining Natural products and CEllular Imaging Artificial Intelligence - Project funding programmes – CZS Breakthroughs

Short description

MAINCE will use AI approaches to identify new and much-needed therapeutics in immunology. Clues to the effect of therapeutics through state-of-the-art imaging techniques will be linked by AI to laboratory experiments to accelerate drug development and make it more efficient.

Multi-dimensionAI: linking scales of information to improve care for patients with heart failure Artificial Intelligence - Project funding programmes – CZS Breakthroughs

Short description

The project team is researching the treatment of heart failure using a combination of novel AI approaches and robotics. Comprehensive health data will be used to train an AI that will identify new correlations between the disease and the values and incorporate them into the therapy.

Phenology-based pollen prediction and EEG-based allergic response assessment using AI Artificial Intelligence - Project funding programmes – CZS Breakthroughs

Short description

Pollen-related respiratory allergies affect up to 30% of the world's population. Climate change is further exacerbating the problem. However, forecasting pollen fields is extremely difficult. PollenNet aims to provide a more accurate and up-to-date forecast of local pollen loads.