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  • DELIVER – Data-driven Engineering of Sustainable Living Materials

DELIVER – Data-driven Engineering of Sustainable Living Materials

Focus topic: Resource efficiency
Type of funding: Project funding programmes
Programme: CZS Wildcard
Funded institution:
  • Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

DELIVER is a new concept at the interface of materials science, synthetic biology and data science. By means of cell programming and machine learning, wood-based materials with arbitrarily adjustable properties are to be produced.


DELIVER is inspired by the ability of living organisms to generate materials with special properties. It is a novel concept at the interface of materials science, synthetic biology and data science for the efficient design of wood-based multi-material systems with desired properties in terms of mechanics, density or optical appearance.

Wood waste can be converted by bacteria and built up into new materials. This process can be controlled by means of external stimuli such as light, allowing the generation of different material properties adapted to specific requirements. The central step in this process is cellular information processing, which ultimately decides how external stimuli are interpreted and which material properties are subsequently formed.

Based on a material library, it should be possible by means of machine learning to specifically generate and optimize material for e.g. furniture or wood construction with the desired properties - energy-efficiently and cost-effectively.

Involved persons:

Dr. Phil-Alan Gärtig

Program Manager

Phone: +49 (0)711 - 162213 - 10

E-mail: phil-alan.gaertig@carl-zeiss-stiftung.de

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Prof. Dr. Thomas Speck

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Detailed information:

Focus topic: Resource efficiency
Programme: CZS Wildcard
Type of funding: Project funding programmes
Target groups: Postdocs
Junior professors
Junior research group leaders
Funding budget: 750.000 €
Period of time: Januar 2023 - Dezember 2024

Funded institution:

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg