Bewilligte Projekte

Im Rahmen der Ausschreibung CZS Wildcard 2023

BeeVision − Monitoring pollinator diversity with Dynamic Vision sensor technology Artificial Intelligence - Project funding programmes – CZS Wildcard

Short description

75% of insect mass has been lost in the last 30 years. The BeeVision project team is therefore developing an AI system to monitor pollinator diversity by automatically recognizing the flight patterns of different insect groups.

Cyanobacteria as master builders: customized materials of the future Resource efficiency - Project funding programmes – CZS Wildcard

Short description

Research is being carried out into the potential of the calcifying properties of algae for various industrial applications, for example for the development of multiplying concrete or the development of calcium-containing minerals as alternative coatings for solar cells.

MINI – Magnetically induced neuroinhibition Life Science Technologies - Project funding programmes – CZS Wildcard

Short description

MINI is investigating the non-invasive blockade of nerve conduction using high-frequency magnetic stimulation. To this end, the project team combines scientific expertise from the fields of anesthesiology, medical physics and biomedical microtechnology.

Nano-seismics - geoscientifically inspired, molecule-specific 3D depth analysis with nanometer resolution STEM impulses - Project funding programmes – CZS Wildcard

Short description

Scientists from the fields of geology, chemistry and physics are working on how established methods of earthquake research can be reduced from the kilometer scale to nanometer dimensions and how cells, for example, can be mapped directly in 3D in the future.

NanoBot − Laser-based one-step process for nanoscale 3D printing of microbots Life Science Technologies - Project funding programmes – CZS Wildcard

Short description

The aim of the project is to 3D print microrobots made of different materials with a level of detail precision in the nanometer range. By combining different materials, the microrobots can take on a variety of functions.